Monday, July 17, 2017

Meditation for those that can't' clear their mind.

Tried to meditate and found that you can't clear your mind?  
Or that you lose your focus?  
Have interrupting thoughts or feelings?
Well then this is the meditation program for you!
The approaches that I teach in "Meditation for Everyone!" is for ...everyone.  Including you!  

Truth is I've been practicing meditation for over 30 years and I've never achieved (nor desired to achieve) a totally clear mind!  The goal of nothingness is not a good goal.  I want to be present in the meditation and not try to remove myself!  

At the time of this writing I do not offer a Christian Mediation nor a Biblical Meditation program.  I may in the future, but I felt the priority is to help people learn how to control and relax their body, then mind, then emotions.  Once that is done you can do whatever you want while in the relaxed state where you are more whole minded.  Both conscious and subconscious mind are together in the same room.  This room I call the "Resource State".  This is the most productive state we can be in.  Great for creative problem solving and internal resourcing.  Now in this state is the perfect time to do Christian Meditation or Biblical Mediation and ponder and think on scripture or invite God into your meditation.  Maybe you have heard some people refer to prayer as asking the question, and meditation is listening for the answer.  I think both is both, but the expression is pretty good!

Thoughts, feelings and To Do lists will try to distract.  The secret is to understand them properly: since the goal of learning to meditate is to focus, these give the needed opportunity to refocus!  Now those same things that used to interrupt and irritate we can now be grateful for!  Now when you have a thought, just say to yourself, that was a thought and let it drift in and drift out.  When you have a feeling allow it to remind you to refocus and return your attention to your breath and your current task while in meditation.

This process is made easy by the "Meditation for Everyone" set I created for those of you that can't clear you mind!  ( the rest of us.)  
Click here:
 and then pick the $49 one called Meditation for Everyone.  It is a 6-pack of short 4-10 minute practice skill building meditations plus one long 38 minute meditation.  
One of the short ones is the Progressive Muscle Tension Relaxation (PMTR) that is also offered on the page as a single for $10.
However, as a subscriber to my blog I am going to give you a code that will work for the next 5 days to make the Set of 7 less than buying only one!
Enter code: now
and watch the price change from $49 to $9!  
only for the next 5 days!  

Please SHARE this offer to your friends that need it and could take advantage of the one-time offer!  

Emotional Responsibility!

By now you have heard of Emotional Intelligence.  It's good stuff and you should spend some time researching it.  But how do you get there?  By taking Emotional Responsibility.

This would be a good adage to put on your refrigerator:  "I become mature in any area of my life that I take personal responsibility

This changes everything!  Not only are my emotional responses my responsibility -and within my control, but they are readable kinesthetically in the body!  In fact, taking the time and attention to the emotion represented in the feelings in my body is the key to being in control of yourself.

When we become aware of the feeling of an emotion in our body we decide between Expression or Suppression. But there is another option: Observation

Next time you feel, try just observing the feeling. There is no immediate need to express it ...or suppress it. Just sit in it. Be with it. Objectively be aware of it. Don't do anything to change it -just accept that it is there. No longer subject to it. Move from subjectively experiencing emotion to objective awareness.

Notice then how the feeling of emotions comes ...and goes.
The sensation soften ...and others appear.

Ever have cravings? Now just wait them out. As strong as they appear, they will disappear.
Accept that there is nothing wrong with cravings. It would be wrong to act on them, but to have them is normal, human, and to be accepted. Observe them patiently. Accept that they are there. Allow them to float in ...and float out. 

Notice how you are safe, good, and OK just observing that sensation.

This is part of the process that I teach all my clients.  It's called Emotion Mapping and Mood Management.  100s of my clients demanded that I create an audio product so they could go through the Therapeutic Meditation exercise again and again.  So this link goes to the consumer product 

Therapeutic Meditation for Mood Management Self Mastery: 

Other counselors and therapists wanted me to teach them how to use these approaches with their clients.  After teaching 100s of them in person workshops in Cape Cod to Savannah, I created this course

A Clinician’s Guide to Therapeutic Meditation Course & Curriculum: 

Feel free to contact through my website if I can help you personally or your organization: 

Sunday, July 16, 2017

"How do you live with yourself?"

"How do you live with yourself?"  Has anyone ever asked you this? Maybe you've heard it asked to others before then. While usually an insult, I think it's a fair question we should ponder on. 

So just how do you live with yourself? Is living within yourself peaceful? Regretful? Guilt or shameful? As you live your day-to-day life what's it like living it with you? 

I heard of a conversation a missionary had as he was leaving to come home. An older woman said to him, "I like myself best when I'm around you." I cannot imagine a better compliment! We are complimented on our clothes, our stuff, or doing a good job --but she gave a compliment on who he was! His identity! Amazing! I want to hear someone say this to me one day. '

Can we apply this to ourselves? Do you like yourself best when you are around you? We better -cause we are around ourselves a lot! If we don't like ourselves when we are around ourselves then that's a pretty miserable life. If that's true of you, let's agree that no matter what SOMETHING HAS TO CHANGE!

 What will it take to live better with yourself? For you to like yourself best when you are around you?
Seriously -make a list. How can this list be accomplished? Will you need help? Are you stuck? Therapy and Coaching is not just for 'crazy people'. It help us go from good to great! Contact me for help!